1. I (read) that book. I've reade that book.…

grizli 09 ноября 2023

1. I (read) that book. I've reade that book. 2. She (go) home three days ago. She went home three days ago. 3. I (met) Mr and MrsShelley…

категория: английский язык


1. I (read) that book. I've read that book.Present Perfect2. She (go) home three days ago. She went home three days ago.Past Simple3. I met Mr and Mrs Shelley. Past Simple4. She started school in 1984.Past Simple5. I left the office early last night.Past Simple6. He has seen the film.Present Perfect7. Have you been to Austria? .Present Perfect8. Did you see the film on TV last night? Past Simple9. When did you arrive in London? Past Simple10. John have never been to Germany before.Present Perfect11. Have you read this book before? Present Perfect12. I didn't see him yesterday.Past Simple13. I have never gone anywhere by plane.Present Perfect14. Have you heard their new record? It's the best they've ever made.Present Perfect15. I did not know about the disco last night.Past Simple

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