likka 08 ноября 2023

2.TRANSFER FROM ACTIVE INTO PASSIVE: 1. they will meet him at the station. 2.do they sell flowers in that shop? 3.A famous director made that film. 4.Eyptians built the Pyramids. 5.People elect the President every four years 6.he didn t buy that car 7.somebody left that bag on the train 8.english people celebrate Christmas in winter 9.They will write the test next Monday 10.Do you feed the animals every day?

категория: английский язык


1) He will be met by them at the station2) Are the flowers being sold in that shop? 3) This film was made by a famous director4) The Pyramids were built by Egiptians5) The President is elected by people every 4 years6) That car wasn't biught by him7) The bag was left on the train by somebody.8) Christmas is celebrated in winter by English people9) The test will be written by them nest Monday10) Are the animals fed by your every dey? Удачи

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