3 things you have done today: образец: I have done…

cornholio 01 сентября 2023

3 things you have done today: образец: I have done my homeworkнапишите пожалуйста несколько предложений по образцу с переводом

категория: английский язык


I have brushed my teeth today. Я почистила зубы. I have made breakfast for my mum today. Я сделала маме завтрак. I have washed the dishes after breakfast today. Я помыла посуду после завтрака

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
01 сентября 2023
Помогите плиз, срочно надо.1. Fill in” What… ” ,” What a (n) … ” or” How… ” 1. … kind he is to everyone! 2. … terrible news! 3. … boring book this is! 4. … exciting it all sounds! 5. … brave man! 6. … enormous house you live in! 7. … careless of you! 2. Fill in which or who1. My wallet, … was in my handbag, has disappeared.2. Brian, … is still at school, is the captain of our local team.3. London, … is the capital of England, attracts many foreign visitors.4. This parrot, … comes from Africa, is a clever mimic.5. The children … play with my son are coming round for tea.6. English weather, … is often bad, is the subject of many conversations.3. Choose the correct item.Dear Clare,I’m (1. completely/really/slightly) sorry I haven’t written earlier. I’ve been (2. a lot/enough/ extremely) busy recently. The children are on holiday at the moment and so I’m (3. absolutely/much/enough) exhausted! I’ll be (4. too/ just/ awfully) glad when they go back to school! Then I’ll be (5. completely/a lot/ rather) free during the day! The school holidays are (6. enough/just/too) long. The children get (7. terribly/much/enough) bored. Well, write soon with your news.Take care,Joe4. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space in the same sentence.1. Ned has been the news … for some time now. (Produce) 2. Can television violence encourage … in children. (Aggressive) 3. Ray got mixed up with the local … element. (Crime) 4. You are going to see a … about volcanoes. (Document) 5. It’s like learning a … new language. (Total)

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