Choose the right variant of the main verb: Active or Passive Voice

johnny-alpine 27 октября 2023

Choose the right variant of the main verb: Active or Passive Voice.1) The man (ask) what language I was speaking.a) was asked b) asked2) I (ask) many questions by my friends after the lesson.a) will ask b) will be asked3) They (tell) to bring back books every day.a) are being told b) are told4) I think he (find) the address already.a) has found b) has been found5) This house (build) in the 17th century.a) was built b) is built6) My mother (do) a lot of work every day.a) is doing b) does

категория: английский язык


1-b; 2-b; 3-b; 4-a; 5-a; 6-b.

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