Complete with the words from the box.Got.on.catch.get.take.miss.get

richardbr 21 ноября 2023

Complete with the words from the box.Got.on.catch.get.take.miss.get.off.miss.take.caught.

категория: английский язык


1.I missed the bus this morning so I had to catch a taxi.2.The train arrived at the station and we got on.3.he hasn`t got much money and can`t get a taxi.4.This is my stop.I have to get off.5.How can I get to the railway station? -You can get a trolley-bus or the underground.6.Hurry up! we`re going to miss the train.7.I was late so I caught a taxi. Поставь «Лучшее решение», если несложно.

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