correct the mistakes in the sentences.1

softer 16 сентября 2023

correct the mistakes in the sentences.1.There are some water in my cup.2. I haven't got no pets.3. There isn't some apples on the table.4. There isn't no juice at home.5. There aren't not books in my bag.6. Is there some balls under your bed? 7. There are some sweet in the box.8. Is there some ham on the table? 9. I won't buy no sausage we have some .10. Does Mary want some fruit?

категория: английский язык


1.There is some water in my cup.2. I haven't got any pets. Или I have got no pets. 3. There aren't any apples on the table.4. There isn't juice at home. Или there is no juice at home5. There aren't any books in my bag.6. Are there any balls under your bed? 7. There are some sweets in the box.8. Is there any ham on the table? 9. I won't buy any sausage we have some .10. Does Mary want any fruit?

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