Correct the underlined mistakes.ExampleThere is some bird in the tree…

artyom88 11 октября 2023

Correct the underlined mistakes.ExampleThere is some bird in the tree… a… .1 There is a snow on the cars… .2 Are there some snakes in your country? … 3 There are any flowers in the garden… .4 There aren't a polar bears in Antarctica… 5 There isn't some water in the bottle… .6 There are lots of plant in rainforests… 7 We have a lot of rains of autumn…

категория: английский язык


1 There is some snow on the cars. 2 Are there any snakes in your country? 3 There are some flowers in the garden. 4 There aren't any polar bears in Antarctica. 5 There isn't any water in the bottle. 6 There are lots of plants in rainforests. 7 We have a lot of rain of autumn.

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