II. Change the active sentences to passive sentences that have…

sdcfcd 31 октября 2023

II. Change the active sentences to passive sentences that have the same meaning and tense: 1. The news surprised my mother. Example: My mother wassurprised by the news. 2. Thomas Edison invented the photograph. 3. Doctor Brown will give you some advice. 4. The gardener has planted some trees. 5. Fleming discovered penicillin. 6. Someone had broken our door down. 7. Mr. Street will teach our class. 8. A college student buys books every day. 9. The police search for the stolen cars. 10. Yesterday Johnny broke the window.

категория: английский язык


2. Thomas Edison invented the photograph.- The photograph was invented by Thomas Edison.3. Doctor Brown will give you some advice.- You will be given some advice by Doctor Brown. / Some advice will be given to you by Doctor Brown.4. The gardener has planted some trees.- Some trees have been planted by the gardener.5. Fleming discovered penicillin.- Penicilin was discovered by Fleming.6. Someone had broken our door down.- Our door had been broken by someone.7. Mr. Street will teach our class.- Our class will be taught by Mr. Street.8. A college student buys books every day.- Books are bought by a college student.9. The police search for the stolen cars.- The stolen car is searched by the police.10. Yesterday Johnny broke the window. — The window was broken by Johnny yesterday.

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