Make questions for Misha's answers. 1_____?

azmusru 16 сентября 2023

Make questions for Misha's answers. 1_____? — It's famous for the first nuclear power station in the world. 2______? — It's ayoung town.

категория: английский язык


1.what Obninsk is famous for? 2. is it a young or an old town? 3. is it a big town? 4. is there any river in Obninsk? 5. where is Obninsk? 6. what do the people like to do in their free time? (where do the people like to walk?) 7. are there any research institutes in Obninsk? 8. do the people in Obninsk organize any festivals and events? 9. are the people in Obninsk proud or not proud of their town?

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