Маленькое сочинение на тему "My hobby"

justme 29 октября 2023

Маленькое сочинение на тему "My hobby"

категория: английский язык


Almost everybody has some kind of hobby. My hobbies are listening to music and watching television.I am very fond of music. When I am free, I often listen to my favorite songs from an old cassette recorder. At weekends, I usually go to music shops in the downtown areas to buy good CDs. Of the famous pop singers, I prefer Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Madona and Paul MC Cartney.I also spend an hour after dinner watching news and documentary programmes. I particularly enjoy the program "The World Here and There" because it broadens my knowledge of nature and human civilizations.I think that my hobbies are very useful. They widen my knowledge, relax my mind, and make me feel better about myself.My favorite hobby is playing drums. I spend a lot of my free time playing drums. I started learning to play drums when I was 9 years old. I played in my school’s band. When I was 12, I got a private drum teacher and started to really enjoy playing. My parents bought me a drum set and I started practicing every day after school. It was very loud, but my mother never complained. I improved a lot, and playing drums has been my favorite hobby ever since. Now, I play drums in a band with my friend Dan, who plays guitar. We write songs, perform, and practice twice a week. It’s still as fun as it was when I first started playing!

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