Написать сочинение на английском про зиму

seomonster 12 ноября 2023

Написать сочинение на английском про зиму

категория: английский язык


My favourite season is winter. Winter is wonderful. It is the season when cold north wind blows, and the roads are deep in snow. I like to be at home when it is cloudy and snowing. I do nothing just sit near the window. I dream a lot. But when the weather is sunny snow is different. It has got many colors: blue, yellow and even green. It looks like expensive diamonds. It is so beautiful! As for me snowflakes look like exotic flowers. Every snowflake is unique. I prefer to wander along the streets when it is snowing. I like winter very much because of New Year holidays. It is a good time to toboggan, to ski and to play snowballs with my friends.

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