Напишите предложение во множественном числе:…

kuniking 13 сентября 2023

Напишите предложение во множественном числе: 1. I am in the slipping car. 2. The manager is from the computer center. 3. The woman is at the booking office. 4. The diesel locomotive is very heavy. 5. The workman is on the track. 6. The man is a station master. 7. You are an office master. 8. The technician is from the locomotive depot. Вставьте правильный предлог: 1. There is a garden … our house. 2. The bridge is … the river. 3. All students are … the lesson now. 4. He will sit … you. 5. There was a lamp … the table. 6. Take your books … your bags and put them … the tables. 7. The box was … the bed. 8. He looks … the window.

категория: английский язык


Напишите предложение во множественном числе: 1. We are in the slipping car.2. The managers are from the computer center.3. The women are at the booking office.4. The diesel locomotives are very heavy.5. The workmen are on the track.6. The men are a station master. 7. You are office masters8. The technicians are from the locomotive depot. Вставьте правильный предлог: 1. There is a garden behind our house.2. The bridge is above the river.3. All students are at the lesson now.4. He will sit near you.5. There was a lamp on (above) the table.6. Take your books from your bags and put them on the tables.7. The box was under the bed.8. He looks out of the window.

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