Нужен рассказ на английском языке про город усть-илимск…

dim_im211 24 сентября 2023

Нужен рассказ на английском языке про город усть-илимск, иркутская обл.

категория: английский язык


Ust-Ilim — Russian city in the northwest region of Irkutsk on the Angara River. The town consists of two parts — the left bank, the so-called Old Town, and right bank — the so-called New Town. They are located at some distance from each other. Old Town is located below the Ust-Ilim hydroelectric stream, new city above. Interconnected roads and bridges across the Angara. Despite the fact that the right-bank part of the city is much younger, it is home to most of the population, here are most of the institutions of science and culture, urban life, mainly concentrated here. Old Town consists primarily of five-storey buildings, two-story (makeshift) , villages (Skyscraper, Nevon) and suburban areas. New city above and modern. It is mainly built the nine-and ten-house, but there are fourteen-five houses.

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