Нужен рассказик 7-8 предложений…

snegok 10 сентября 2023

Нужен рассказик 7-8 предложений, о проблемах подростков на анг яз нужен рассказик 7-8 предложений, о проблемах подростков на анг яз, например прошкольную форму или много д/з, мало свободного времени или что-то в этом роде, буду благодарен)

категория: английский язык


Nowadays teenagers have a lot of problems. For example school problems. There're a lot of homework which we can't do in one evening. Then there're a lots of problems with parents. They can't understand our problems so they're shouting on us. Next school uniform. It's very uncomfortable but we must understand that we must wear it

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09 сентября 2023
Помогите пожалуйста с английским: сMr. Petrov, a Russian businessman, (to call) at the British pavilion at the inernational exhibition which (to hold) inLondon last month. He (to get) interested in the Model K2 machine-tool. After he (to see) the machine in operation he (to get) in touch with Mr. Black. Petrov: Good afternoon, Mr. Black. Here (to be) my card. Black: Good afternoon, Mr. Petrov. Glad to see you. Petrov: I (to come) to London on business and I (to be) happy to visit this exhibition. Black: I (to hope) you (to find) it interesting. Petrov: It (to be) wonderful. I (to impress) by the size and scope of the exhibition. It (to be) one of the largest exhibitions I ever (to visit). Black: Yes, over 500 companies (to take) part in it. Petrov: Mr Black, I just (to see) your pavilion. The Model K2machine-tool (to attract) my attention. I must say your country (to make) much progress in the field of machine-tool industry. Black: It (to be) a pleasure to hear that. It (to be) an up-to-date model. It (to introduce) into the market at the beginning of the year and since then it (to be) a great success. A lot of companies (to show) much interest in the model. Petrov: You see, Mr Black, we'd like to place an order with your company for this model and we'd like to negotiate the price for the machines. Back: Yes, of course. We (to be) glad to establish business relations with your company. Petrov: When we (can, to meet) to discuss the matter in detail? Black: What about Tuesday at 10 in the morning? Petrov: All right. I (to be glad) to meet you on Tuesday. Good-bye!

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