Нужно написать письмо 9-12 предложений на тему мой любимый писатель

dominikony 16 сентября 2023

Нужно написать письмо 9-12 предложений на тему мой любимый писатель. Заранье спасибо: 3

категория: английский язык


My favorite book is «The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes» by a well-known great writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Arthur Conan Doyle was born on the 22 of May in 1859 in Scotland. In 1881 he finished univercity as a doctor, but in 1882 he began his writing career. His popular detective stories about Holmes and Watson were written in 1891 and were firstly published in 1892.They tell us about adventures of a very clever, brave and inimitable detective Sherlock Holmes and his best and true friend doctor John Watson. It is very interesting that Holmes is a person, who really existed. Professor of Edinburgh University mr. Joseph Bell was his prototype. Once Conan Doyle wanted to kill his character, but his fans didn`t like this idea at all, so he wrote more stories about Sherlock Holmes. In my opinion public love these detective stories because Holmes differs from other detectives, combination of absolutely different qualities makes him very timely nowadays. But he wrote not only about Holmes. There are a lot of romances, novels and humorous stories by Conan Doyle. I suppose that everyone should read books which were written by sir Arthur Conan Doyle, because they are very original, interesting, amusing and exciting. It is very easy to read these wonderful books too.

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burneds, 16 сентября 2023
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