Письмо другу о том как я провела новогодние каникулы!

zondart 23 сентября 2023

Письмо другу о том как я провела новогодние каникулы! Помогите написать пжл

категория: английский язык


Dear Ann, I was very glad to hear from you. I haven't written for ages because of my school activities. Now I want to tell you about my winter holidays. I was very happy! I didn't have to get up early in the morning and run to school. I could stay in the bed till midday. But I didn't want to sleep. There were a lot of things to do. The weather was fine so my freinds and I went to the skating- rink almost every day. It was fun! Then I spent a week in the country where my grandfather and grandmother lived. It was great. I drank milk and eat a lot of tasty food which my granny prepared for me.I have many friends in this village because I go there every holidays. We went to the forest to ski, we made snowmen and played snowballs. We even play hockey! But the winter holidays were over and I returned to the city again. I liked my holidays very much. That's for me today. I have to go to the shop for some food. Best regards to your family.Write soon. Yours Kate

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