Помогите написать английский- Tell what impressed you most about…

tournament 21 октября 2023

Помогите написать английский- Tell what impressed you most about education in the past and why.

категория: английский язык


As one of the most selective law schools in the country, Harvard Law School searches for truly remarkable students to fill its halls.The country's second-oldest law school accepts just 11 percent of its applicants, but an incredible 92 percent of its grads are employed soon after they graduate.Countless Supreme Court justices, federal judges, politicians, and business leaders have degrees from Harvard Law.But what makes the school so celebrated is the quality of its students.It takes more than just high grades and impressive extracurricular activities to get into this elite school. To stand out among such a distinguished group, students need groundbreaking achievements and unique stories.Here are the most impressive students at Harvard Law School right now.

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