Помогите написать письмо за границу на английском про челябинск…

vity22 28 августа 2023

Помогите написать письмо за границу на английском про челябинск… срочно)

категория: английский язык


Hello, dearKitty! In your previous letter you asked me about my home town. I live in Chelyabinsk,it is a city and the administrative center of Chelyabinsk Oblast, too.It was founded inthe middle of 18th century, when Colonel Alexey Tevkelev built thefortress of Chelyaba to protect the surrounding trade routes from possibleattacks by Bashkir outlaws. In 1787 Chelyabinsk was granted town status and itscurrent name. Now there areapproximately 1 200 000 people in Chelyabinsk. It’s fairly big, you know! Alsothere are over a dozen universities in Chelyabinsk, so we have a lot ofstudents coming from different places of Russia.The oldest university,Chelyabinsk State Agroengineering Academy, was founded in 1930.Chelyabinsk isone of the major industrial centers of Russia. It’s not the best place becausethe environment is heavily affected by all the plants. Heavy industry takessignificant part of it, especially metallurgy and military machinery. But thelatter is classified, so I cannot really speak about it, sorry about that! It’s my hometown, and I still like it a lot. Last year we had this meteor. It was amazingand horrifying at the same time, because we didn’t know what to think. Somethought it was the beginning of a nuclear war, the others that it was an fallingUFO. But after this incident Chelyabinsk became popular around the world, soyou may have well heard of it.That was all fortoday, I need to get back to my English homework.Wait, I havejust done it! Please drop me aline and tell about your home town.Your friend, Куутя

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