Помогите! Нужно написать эссе " где любят отдыхать россияне»…

svm1975 30 августа 2023

Помогите! Нужно написать эссе " где любят отдыхать россияне» или " куда путешествуютрусские»

категория: английский язык


I think that Russian people's favourite travelling destination is of course Egypt! And I'll tell you why. It is always hot there and the water temperature in the sea is always above+22 degrees. As for me, this August Iwent to Sharm-el-Sheik, Egypt. I went there with my parents. We wentthere by plane. Westayed in hotel "Gufa". We spent a lot of time on the seaside and nearthe pool. We also had some interesting excursions — to Cairo and toIsrael and on the boat. Best of all I likedthe excursion on the boat. Some people were diving but i was snorkling. Isaw different kinds of fish there. Red Sea is absolutely beautiful. Ireally like the way I spent my trip! And there's much more to do inSharm-el-Sheik. Almost everything is cheap in Egyps. That's why Egypt is the best travelling destination.

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