Помогите, пожалуйста!

masgus 28 августа 2023

Помогите, пожалуйста! Домашнее заданиеЗадание 1 Закрепите знание правил образования грамматических времен. Выполните упражнение.When people go on holidays they often write postcards to their family and friends back home. Here are three of them. Find out how these people spent their holidays. Choose a begining, a middle and an end of each postcard. Put the verbs from the boxes in the right form.arrivebebeDear Mom, We _______ safely in Florida. Dear Mummy, Here we ______ on the beach. Dear Jim and Ann, The city _______ wonderful.be buy lovego have enjoyThe weather ___________ beatiful. I _________ the people. They are so friendly. Yesterday we __________ to the bookshop and I __________ a wonderful book about hobbies. We also went to the caf e. I'm _________ a great time here.It __________ terrible! It _________ very hot and there __________ a lot of people everywhere. I _________ some broblems with the food. It _________ awful here.The weather ________ fantastic! My new friends _________ so cute! We _________ a lot of talks on our holidays plans. They _________ reading and participatimg in drama, too.havewant Home on Saturday. Thank goodness! Best wishes. Sam. So boring. I _______ to go home! Love and kisses. Alex. Now I ________ a lot of pen friends. Home on Tuesday. Love, Marie.

категория: английский язык


arrivebebeDear Mom, We __arrived_____ safely in Florida. Dear Mummy, Here we _are_____ on the beach. Dear Jim and Ann, The city ____is___ wonderful.be buy lovego have enjoyThe weather ____is_______ beatiful. I __love_______ the people.They are so friendly. Yesterday we ____went______ to the bookshop and I______bought____ a wonderful book about hobbies. We also went to the caf e. I'm ___having______ a great time here.It______is____ terrible! It _____is____ very hot and there ___are_______ a lotof people everywhere. I ____had_____ some broblems with the food. It_____is____ awful here.The weather ___is_____ fantastic! My new friends___are______ so cute! We ____have_____ a lot of talks on our holidays plans.They _____are____ reading and participatimg in drama, too.havewant Home on Saturday. Thank goodness! Best wishes. Sam. So boring. I __want_____ to go home! Love and kisses. Alex. Now I ____have____ a lot of pen friends. Home on Tuesday. Love, Marie.

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