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brown 11 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста раскрыть скобки 1. They (buy) the flat two years ago.2. When I watched TV Sasha (water) plants.3. He (visit) me yesterday evening.4. She (wash) her hair when her baby (start) to cry.5. We (sit) down to dinner until you (come).6. The old man (not go) out usually in winter.7. She (cook) dinner. Don't bother her.8. I (see) her twice today.9. The little boy (not be) happy until his father (buy) him a bicycle.10. She (get) flu if she (go) out without warm clothes.

категория: английский язык


1. They (BOUGHT) the flat two years ago.2. When I watched TV Sasha (WAS WATERING) plants.3. He (visitED) me yesterday evening.4. She WAS washING her hair when her baby (startED) to cry.5. We (WILL NOT sit) down to dinner until you (come).6. The old man (DOES not go) out usually in winter.7. She (IS cookING) dinner. Don't bother her.8. I (HAVE seeN) her twice today.9. The little boy (will not be) happy until his father (buy) him a bicycle.10. She (WILL get) flu if she (goES) out without warm clothes.

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