Поставь глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past simple или present perfect

yunker 03 октября 2023

Поставь глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past simple или present perfect. I 1) _______ (take up) the sport when I 2) _____ (be) at school.I still rememberthe first time I 3) _____ (try) to skin.I 4) _____ (slip) on the ice and 5) ______ (break) my ankle.Thankfully,I 6) _______ (not/have) a serious accident since then.Last year, I 7) ____ (try) ice-skating for the very first time. I 8) _____ (slip) on the ice rink a couple of times since then but I 9) _____ (not/break) anything.Two years ago,I 10) _____ (take) snowboarding lessons.I 11) _______ (not/like) it because I 12) ______ (find) it a little dangerous.I 13) ______ (not/play) ice-hockey yet.There's a game tomoorrow.I can't wait to go!

категория: английский язык


1) took up 2) was 3) tried 4) slept 5) breaken 6) had not 7) tried 8) slep 9) not breaken 10) took 11) not liked 12) found 13) not played

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