Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. Напишите ответы к вопросам…

amicor74 10 ноября 2023

Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. Напишите ответы к вопросам 1. There is a nice park in out town. (2). 2. There are several precious pictures in themuseum of our town. (3). 3. There are many windows in the dining room.4. There is a beautiful rose in your garden. 5. Five pens are on the table.6. There is a tasty apple in her hand.

категория: английский язык


1. There is a nice park in out town. Is there a nice park in the town? 2. There are several precious pictures in the museum of our town. Are there several precious pictures in the museum of our town? 3. There are many windows in the dining room. Are there many windows in the dining room? 4. There is a beautiful rose in your garden. Is there a beautiful rose in your garden? 5. Five pens are on the table. How many pens are (there) on the table? 6. There is a tasty apple in her hand. Is there a tasty apple in her hand? Выделенных слов в задании нетпоэтому пишу еще вопросы: 1. What is there in the town? 2. What are there in the museum of our town? 3. What are there in the dining room? 4. What is there in your garden? 5. Where are pens? What are there on the table? 6. What i s there in her hand?

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