Пожалуйста помогите составить монолог на тему «Я заняла первое место»…

kazinak 21 октября 2023

Пожалуйста помогите составить монолог на тему «Я заняла первое место» 12 предложений

категория: английский язык


Today i recieved a first place in maths competition at school. I was very surprised at first because i wasn't ready at all! But apparently it wasn't that hard. All I had to do is solve six problems and then write the right answer down. Of course i was very nervous at first, as were many people who attended the competition. As i realized later on, no one was ready! I talked to my class mate after the competion about the level of difficulty of his work. He said it was very hard for him, which kind of surprised me. He was the best student in maths! But i didn't really care, because i had to worry about my own problems. I didn't think i went that well after i heard my teacher tell me i got the first place. It made my day!

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