Привет) Нужно завтра сдать сочинение, обязательно нужна "5"…

alexandr2010 29 сентября 2023

Привет) Нужно завтра сдать сочинение, обязательно нужна "5", написала часть, проверьте на ошибки) 2. Punishment for crimes has to be thought out andfair to everyone. Punishment for minor crimes shouldn’t be the same for major and serious crimes. Murder shouldn’t be given the same sentence as stealing a can. 3. Many people believe that any crime should bring the same punishment. For example, if the murderer shall die, and the thief does not have to live with. Other people think differently. According to them, the offense should result in appropriate punishment. 4. As for me, first of all, I believe that the punishment should fit the crime. Second, one crime can lead the different penalties. For example, the theft is not always to be punished, if the offense was committed for peaceful purposes. 5. The world has a clear legal system, constitution, codes, but the justice system is not yet developed. killer can get out of prison after three years, and the shop thief may be in prison 10-15 years. In conclusion, the punishment must match a crime. This is the correct standpoint of society.

категория: английский язык


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