Проект на тему- жизнь через 50 лет

inginiar 07 октября 2023

Проект на тему- жизнь через 50 лет

категория: английский язык


50 years from now: Big brains have big ideas for what lies aheadWe'll live to be 140 — if we don't kill each other first.We'll still need oil.Water will be scarce and AIDS will be eradicated — along with a host of chronic diseases that will turn out to be the fault of Sylvester and Tweety Bird.We'll even be able to e-mail products to ourselves and "print" them out at home.World population will soar from today's 6,5 billion to 9 billion or more, and globalization will accelerate — lifting much of the developing world out of poverty. But greed, power-mongering and terrorism could lead to totalitarianism and loss of privacy.So, while we can look forward to amazing technological leaps, the world's fate still comes down to human nature.

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