Put in prepositions if needed: of, in, — , to, with, by, with,…

zondart 17 октября 2023

Put in prepositions if needed: of, in, — , to, with, by, with, — , in. About ten years ago telephone was the only means of communication which people could use (…) their home (…) present computers make our life much more comfortable. Now we can send messages (…) each other (…) fal, e-mail or communicate (…) the internet. Those who have the internet can communicate not only (…) people. They can get (…) information (…) any library all over the world.

категория: английский язык


Put in prepositions if needed: of, in, — , to, with, by, with, — ,Put in prepositions if needed: of, in, — , to, with, by, with, — , in. About ten years ago telephone was the only means of communication which people could use (in) their home (-) present computers make our life much more comfortable. Now we can send messages (to) each other (by) fax, e-mail or communicate (with) the internet. Those who have the internet can communicate not only (with) people. They can get (-) information (of) any library all over the world.

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