Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present…

serdgon-Олейник 28 октября 2023

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. 1John is in his room. He… (listen) to music. 2.Daniel… (go) surfing every Sunday. 3.I … (want) for Nins right now. 4.John… . (play) the pianino when he wants to relax. 5… (it/not rain) at the moment. 6… (you/speak) English?

категория: английский язык


Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. 1John is in his room. He… IS… (listenING) to music. 2.Daniel… (goES) surfing every Sunday. 3.I … AM… (wantING) for Nins right now. 4.John… . (playS) the pianino when he wants to relax. 5… (it/ IS Not rainING) at the moment. 6… DO… (you speak) English?

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