Решите плизз… до 16,05,11 Future Tenses 1) If I find it,I (tell)…

mazam 04 октября 2023

Решите плизз… до 16,05,11 Future Tenses 1) If I find it,I (tell) you. 2) We (go) to Scotland for our holiday. 3) I think I (do) the same jobe all my life.

категория: английский язык


If I find it I will tell you.We will go to Scotland for our holiday.I think I will be doing the same jobe all my life.By the time we come they will have gone away.This time tomorrow I will be translating the article.By the end of the next week we will have known the results of our exam on algebra.Will you wait for me after our lecture? I am sure there will be disco tonight.I will have read this book by the end of the month only.They will have been writing a test for half an hour when you come.

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