Rewrite the sentences starting as suggested

limpikon 31 октября 2023

Rewrite the sentences starting as suggested. a) The Egyptians built the Pyramids. (Past Simple) The Pyramids____________________________________________________.

категория: английский язык


The Pyramids were built by EgyptiansEnglish is spoken by over 400 million peopleThe messages must be readThe electric bullb was invented by EdisonIraq was attacked by America several years agoThe jewels were not taken by themAll the places were visited by Helen and SusaneHis life was saved by fishermanThe students are not punished by the teacherA lot of damage is being caused by the stormKate's new car has been stolen The questions must not be answered by himA video camera hasn't been bought by ParkersThe housed is being sold by AnnaThe car will be washed by themSarah can be invited to the partyThe letter couldn't be written by me yesterdayAll the exam papers are collected by the teacherThe table wasn't broken by themOur dog was run over by carMy questions has been answered by herThe murder won't be investigatedThe long beach would be cleaned up by the volunteersA book was being written by them

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