Спишите, поставив глагол в правильную форму пассивного состояния.…

remvik 09 сентября 2023

Спишите, поставив глагол в правильную форму пассивного состояния. 1. Our students (give) a lot of homework to do every day. 2. What kindof books (discuss) in class tomorrow?

категория: английский язык


1. Our students are given a lot of homework to do every day.2. What kind of books will be discussed in class tomorrow? 3. Our teacher is often asked to translate articles from English into Ukrainian as she has been teaching English for about thirty years.4. Many new houses were built in Sumy last year.5. These exercises must be done by our group now.6. The delegation of English farmers was not met at the railway station yesterday.7. The problem has not solved yet by us.8. He was told to work harder if he wants to pass an examination.9. When the letter had been read by him it was thrown away.10. As soon as his driving test had been passed by him he bought a car.

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