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annat 28 сентября 2023

Відкрийте дужки поставте слова в правильній формі! We… (to go) the park today and… (to meet) some guests from japan there.We… (can) speak Englishwith them.They… (to ask) us about schools and school children in Japan.I… (to learn) many interesting things.Our English… (to give) us the task to write letters to Japanese children in English.The guests… (can) take and read them to their children.It s really exciting to make new friends from Japan!

категория: английский язык


We were going to the park today and met some guests from Japan there.We could speak English with them.They were asked by us about schools and schoolchildren in Japan.I learned many interesting things.Our English teacher gave us the task to write letters to Japanese children in English.The guests would be able take and read them to their children.It's really exciting to make new friends from Japan!

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