Вставить слова в правильной форме Test…

aa-kam 20 сентября 2023

Вставить слова в правильной форме Test 1. If you ask the question what your favourite animal is, almost every boy and girl will answerwithout ____. (HESITATE) Now Earth Day is celebrated _____ around the Globe. (ANNUAL) Australia’s system of administration is based on the ____ tradition. (DEMOCRAT) Australia is ____ autonomous. (FULL She ordered everyone to leave her and went into the ____ alone. (DARK) Test 2.

категория: английский язык


If you ask the question what your favourite animal is, almost every boy and girl will answer without hesitation. Now Earth Day is celebrated annually around the Globe. Australia’s system of administration is based on the democratic tradition. Australia is full autonomous. She ordered everyone to leave her and went into the darkness alone. Test 2.This scientific theory proves to be false. Unless he sells more, he won’t get much commission. He is said to be the best surgeon in this country. I wish I will not to repair it. I only made it worse. I shoped for clothes with my elder sister on Sunday.

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20 сентября 2023
2. Укажите предложение, в котором окончание” -s" является показателем притяжательного падежа: a) My mother’s friend lives not far from her b) She reads a lot c) The car’s stopped d) The Browns are my neighbours 3… Выберите правильный предлог: 1) Let’s meet… 6 o’clock. a) in b) on c) at 2) My brother works … school a) to b) at c) in 3) Go … the room and make yourself comfortable. a) out of b) into c) from 4. Выберите правильное местоимение: There is… place like home. a) no b) none c) nothing d) nobody 5. Выберите правильный вариант: 1) He speaks English… a) good b) well 2) His English is very… .a) good b) well 3) I feel… .a) badly b) bad 6. Укажите, какие из подчеркнутых слов являются наречиями: 1) (loud/loudly/loud) a) She always speaks in a loud voice. b) She always speaks londly. c) Don’t be so loud, the baby is sleeping, 2) (first/first/first) a) She came in and first gave her name. b) She was the first to come in. c) Sqhool year begins on the first of September. 7. Отметьте правильный вариант: 1) The Volga is longer … the Thames. a) as b) than c) from 2) She is the… beautiful girl in our class. a) more b) most c) much 8. Подберите соответствие в русском: 1) The more we learn the more we know. a) Мы много учим, много знаем. b) Мы больше изучаем, чем знаем. c) Чем больше мы учим, тем больше знаем. 2) The film is less interesting than the novel. a) Фильм такой же интересный, как роман. b) Фильм менее интересный, чем роман. С) Роман менее интересный, чем фильм. 9. Выберите правильную форму глагола: 1) We… five days a week. a) work b) works c) are working 2) She … in the-suburbs of Moscow. a) live b) lives c) is living

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