Вставьте пожалуйста предлоги to,in,of,at,with…

ultrawox 18 октября 2023

Вставьте пожалуйста предлоги to,in,of,at,with,fromMrs Blake lives in Chester.Chester is a green English city.It is situated not far ___ Wales.She has a nice house ___ her own.It is a semi-detached house ___ two bedrooms.There is a garden ___ the back and a green lawn ___ front ___ the house.Mrs Blakes lives very close ____ the town centre.The town centre is always full ___ tourists.

категория: английский язык


Mrs Blake lives in Chester.Chester is a green English city.It is situated not far (from) Wales.She has a nice house (at) her own.It is a semi-detached house (with) two bedrooms.There is a garden (in) the back and a green lawn (in) front _of__ the house.Mrs Blakes lives very close __from__ the town centre.The town centre is always full __of_ tourists.

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