Вставьте в текст нужные глаголы

rikani 07 сентября 2023

Вставьте в текст нужные глаголы. Глаголы могут быть (a few, a little, many, much, a lot of).SaturdayThis morning we arrived in Oxford. We spent … time there. We visited … museums and other places of interest. It's strange but we saw only … young people in the streets. I wonder, do students study on Saturday? SundayToday we'll go back home. I think there are no towns like Oxford in Britain: where else you can see so … nice old houses! It's a pity that we had only … time to see the town today. I would like to study here very much!

категория: английский язык


SaturdayThis morning we arrived in Oxford. We spent little time there. We visited a few museums and other places of interest.It's strange but we saw only few young people in the streets. I wonder,do students study on Saturday? SundayToday we'llgo back home. I think there are no towns like Oxford in Britain: whereelse you can see so many nice old houses! It's a pity that we had onlylittle time to see the town today. I would like to study here very much!

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