Which is right? Complete the sentences…

mgwrk 30 октября 2023

Which is right? Complete the sentences 1. At the moment the delegation… (arrives/ isarriving/ will arrive) at the station.

категория: английский язык


1. At the moment the delegation is arriving at the station.2. The delegation has just arrived at the station.3. The delegation arrives at the station this morning.4. The dealegation has already arrived at the station.5. The delegation arrived at the station two hours ago. 6. I am staying at the Sputnik Hotel. I' ll be happy to see you tonight. 7. When I visit Moscow I usually stay at the Sputnik Hotel.8. I think next time he will stay at the Sputnik Hotel.9. I was in Moscow two years ago. I (stay/ stayed/ have stayed) at the Sputnik Hotel.10. I have never stayed at the Sputnik Hotel. Is it a good hotel?

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