Write the correct form of the verb to be to complete the sentences.…

kmdeif 02 сентября 2023

Write the correct form of the verb to be to complete the sentences. 1.Tom… .going to unzip a sweater.2.Clara and Monika… .going to sew new dresses for their dolls.3.Nick… .going to train in the gym.He… .putting on his trainers.He… .going to lace them up.

категория: английский язык


1.Tom is going to unzip a sweater.2.Clara and Monika are going to sew new dresses for their dolls.3.Nick is going to train in the gym.He is putting on his trainers.He is going to lace them up.4.Bill and his friends are going to fish.They are wearing T-shirts and shorts.It's hot.Bill is going to put on his summer cap.5.Ann is having a party soon.She is going to buy some designer clothes.6.Are you going on a picnic,Jack? What clothes are you going to wear?

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