Your English teacher has asked you to express your opinion…

wazimir 02 октября 2023

Your English teacher has asked you to express your opinion on the following: If you could spend one day anywherein the world, where would you go and why? . Write about 120-140 words

категория: английский язык


If i could spend one day anywhere in the world, i would go to London. In my opinion this is the most beautiful town in the whole world. I would go to Westminster Abbey to see Buckingham Palace, ride on London Eye,to see Trafalgar square with Nelson's Column in center , to see Big Ben, to visit The Museum of Sherlock Holmes, to take a lot of pictures in Madame Tussauds, to see Royal family alive. I like Great Britain because it is a home of my favourite Tv shows like MisFits, Skins, Sherlock BBC, Accused; movies like Narnia, Harry Potter, Merry Poppins, Pride and Prejudice, Dorian Gray; music bands like The Beatles, The Queen, Prodigy, The Babyshambles, Blur, Keane, Two Door Cinema Club, Franz Ferdinand, The Kooks, The Metronomy, The Who etc. I like British football clubs like Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea. But i my opinion the best is MU, so i would go to see MU's country.

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