
1. Выберите верный вспомогательный глагол…


1. Выберите верный вспомогательный глагол, чтобы задать вопрос к предложению: he played football on the beach do,does,is,did.my brother watches films of on TVdoes,did,do,is2. Подчеркните нужное слово для каждого случая 1) a big wild tired (when,where,what) 2) at about 10 o'clock (when,what,where) 3) on the beach (when,what,where) 4) nasty cake (when,what,where) 5) between 5 pm and danner time (when,what,where) 6) at the seaside (when,what,where)


Did he play football on the beach? Does your brother watch films on TV? 2. 1) what2) when3) where4) what5) when6) where

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