
1) You sang in the wrong place!


1) You sang in the wrong place! the director shouted. 2) You have ruined my career! cried the rock'n'roll star. 3) I don't care if they liked it or not ,criedthe director. 4) Are those your children? he asked father. 5) Hello kids,he said .How did you get there? 6) Can you take us home? said John. 7) You keep the book tomorrow,Barnaby told her. 8) What does it all mean? asked Abbie. Помогите в косвенной речи надо


1) The director shouted that I had sung in the wrong place.2) The rock'n'roll star cried that I had ruined his career.3) The director cried that he didn't care if we liked it or not.4) He asked father if those were his children.5) He asked kids how they had got there.6) John asked if I could take him home.7) Barnaby told her that she would keep the book next day.8) Abbie asked what it meant.

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