
Даю 100 пкт тому, кто сам не из интеренета напишет хорошее сочинение…


Даю 100 пкт тому, кто сам не из интеренета напишет хорошее сочинение на тему "My School Day". Типа как хорошо учиться в школе, что обычнов день 6 уроков ит. Д


I want to tell everybody about my school days. First of all, I want to stress that I understand the importance of school subjects, I have about 6-7 lessons for a day, and my favourite subject is English (ну это чтобы учителю польстить). I have been stidying here for 10 (или сколько ты там уже учишся) years, and I got a very important expiriense, and I"m sure that I"ll use it in my life. About what do I want to tell you? First of all it is communication. I met here my first friends, enemies and over the years I came to the conclusion how to communicate with people avoiding conflict situations and aquiring future business relantoships! Secondly, I understood from my school days how to behave with my future bosses (now my techers) , and I think that I will be a good employer in future! And of course school gives me a lot of knowledge! My school takes my heart, because I really love it! I am sure that I will use all of these expirience in future! And so I advice you too!

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