
Эээ мне нужно составить 6 предложений о спорте


Эээ мне нужно составить 6 предложений о спорте (сноубординг, футбол, хоккей) желательно что нибудь актуальное.


1.Like some other winter sports, snowboarding comes with a certain level of risk.2.The modern rules of many football codes were formulated during the mid- or late- 19th century.3.Ice hockey is the national sport of Latvia and the national winter sport of Canada4.In boxing, each fighter is given a corner of the ring where he rests in between rounds and where his trainers stand.5.Biathlon is any sporting event made up of two disciplines.6.The sport of swimming has been recorded since prehistoric times. Думаю, с переводом сам справишься

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