
For me Albert Einstein is one of the most considerable physicists


For me Albert Einstein is one of the most considerable physicists.He lived in the 20th century. Wad famous discoveries is the mathematical equationabout the nature of energy: E=mc2. Помогите пожалуйсто, привильно или нет?


For me, Albert Einstein is one of the greatest physicists. He lived in the 20th century. His famous mathematical equation on the open nature of energy: E=mc2. Я тоже не совсем понял последнее предложение. Но вот как это можно перефразировать попроще. Или вот так вот можно: For me, Albert Einstein is one of the most considerable physicists. He lived in the 20th century. His famous achievement is the mathematical equation about the nature of energy: E=mc2.

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