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Исправте, пожалуйста, ошибки! I want to tell VAMO Sergei Rachmaninoff. He was born March 20, 1873 at the estate of his parents Oneg, nearNovgorod. RAKHMANIN is a continuation of operas. basic creative method was symbolism. Rachmaninoff creates numerous works of different genres, from small chamber pieces to monumental symphonic works. If you listen to his music for the first time,very interesnobudet hear: Gypsy Caprice, symphony 1 and romances! In recent years, Rachmaninoff was marred by a deadly disease — melanoma. He died on March 28, 1943 in Beverly Hills, State California United States


He was born on March 20, 1873.The basic creative method was symbolism.If you listen to his music for the first time, it will be very interesting to hear: … In recent years, Rachmaninoff was married Beverly Hills, State — California, United States

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