
Из слов составить предложение 1) to, my little sister, do not give…


Из слов составить предложение 1) to, my little sister, do not give, cold, water. 2) My son, pictures ,is showing ,to ,his grandmother.3) books, English, please, bring, some, me ,for.4) it, give, us,to.5) article ,is translating, he , this, for, me.6) letter, do not sent, to, him, this.7) friends, them, i, am introducing, to,my.8) new, a, children, for. they, are,building,sport center.


1. Don't give cold water to my little sister.2. My son is showing pictures to his grandmother.3. Bring some English books for me, please.4. Give it to us.5. He is translating this article for me.6. Do not send this letter to him.7. I am introducing my friends to them.8. They are building a new sport center for children.

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