
Напишите пож письмо другу н английском языке


Напишите пож письмо другу н английском языке. В письме надо указать: где я путешествовала, самое интересно место где я была, описать свою семью и др


Dear Mary,Thank you for your letter. You asked me to tell you about my trip to St.Petersburg in summer. I went there with my family. We stayed in a nice hotel in the city centre. Luckily the weather was fine and we had long walks around the city.We did a lot of sightseeing. We visited Hermitage and Russian Museum, because my mother is fond of arts. Personally I found the ship 'Avrora' the most exciting place. I had read much about it and was happy to see it with my own eyes. The city impressed me really! Well, I must go now. My Mom wants me to help her.Write back soon.Best wishes,…

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