
Напишите пожалуйста! Письмо зарубежному другу по переписке!


Напишите пожалуйста! Письмо зарубежному другу по переписке! О своем месте Hi, Helen! I hope youll come to see us this summer. You will enjoy stayinghere. My town is worth visiting…


114, 708 Fedoskanskay Street Moscow,13667 Russia 16th NovemberDear Helen,Thanks for your letter, it was nice to hear from you. Sorry I didn't answer for a long time. I was very busy with my schoolwork. In my town.In my city, summer will be the best. we will walk in the park. look interesting to know more about and eat tasty morozhennoe.priezzhay and this summer will be much nezabyvaemoe.

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