
Напишите рассказ на английском языке о любом животном россии…


Напишите рассказ на английском языке о любом животном россии, соблюдая грамматику.


bearUsually bear moves waddle on all four, although sometimes it can stand on its hind legs and blunder few steps. Bear — the animal plantigrade, as well as the person, that is embarking on a full stop. If necessary, he enters into a gallop and runs at an impressive speed — up to 50-60 km per hour. Bears good climbers, especially not very large species, and often even sleep in trees. All they know how to swim, but the white bear this is just a professional.PowerAlthough bears are referred to the predators, in fact, in their diet is much less meat than other animals of this force, and most of the "menu" is plant food. They can be rather called opportunistic omnivores, eating all that will fall into the hands of the. For many centuries the evolution of their typical for predators teeth also changed the form, adjusting to a varied diet.

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