
Нужно небольшое эссе на тему моя любимая музыка


Нужно небольшое эссе на тему моя любимая музыка (описание музыки, какая она: быстрая, медленная… ит.д.)


my favorite music. What is it? it is amazing! and always different! I am a music lover. But most of all I love good old rock style. oh yeah, he is beautiful! on my mobile phone ringtone is Ozzy Osbourne. Even when I'm worried or do not know how to cope with the situation, I'm humming to himself, or Ozzy Osbourne's "Scorpion". This music calms me and helps find the right solution. but in general, music in my life is a great place. the most important place! without music, I would die.

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