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Нужно ответить на вопросы. Which of the following international events would you join? Which of the events would be the most efficient? Whichwould be the most difficult to organise and take part in? Why? How could you make these less difficult? How could you benefit from each event? Вот мероприятия которые предлагаются 1 Plant a tree day 2 Car free day 3 No electricity 4 Buy nothing day 5 Smile at all stranqers day


1) As for me, I'd like to join the 5th event2) I think, that plant a tree day would be the most efficient, because it will be the first step in solving environment problems3) I suppose that car free day will be the most difficult to organise and take part in, because most of the people totally depend on their own transport and they can't spend a day without it4) We could substitute cars for bicycles. They are environmentally friendly5) 1, If everybody plants a tree our planet will have a new "lungs"2, If everybody refuses using a car for the day, we will save a lot of petrol3, If everybody stops using electrcty, we will save natural resources4, If everybody buys nothig for he day, the world ecomony will save money to help all sick people 5, If everybody smiles at all stranqers, they will pick themselves up

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